Senior High School

Welcome Message from the Principal

Allow me to welcome you to your new home, Universidad de Manila. On behalf of Dr. Ma. Felma Carlos – Tria, our University President and Dr. Ronald A. Herrera, our Vice President for Academic Affairs, I give you my warmest greetings.

For Grade 11, you are venturing into a new stage in your life. For Grade 12, this is a make or break in your last year in Senior High School.

We don’t stop wishing for better opportunities, better chances, and ultimately a better life.  I have to tell you that indeed education is the great equalizer. There have been students like you who have helped improve the lives of their families because they worked hard to finish their education. But wishing is never enough. While wishing helps you visualize what you want in life, it is only through real action that you eventually succeed.

So, after you have visualized where you want to be and who you want to be in the years to come, the task would have to begin.  Yes, my dear students, let us put all our energies to work.  Let us work hard to allow ourselves to create our realities.  Let us work hard to get good grades. Let us work hard to embrace learning, and yes, let us work hard to recreate the best versions of ourselves. 

Famous Ukrainian entrepreneur, Daniel Milstein said and I quote, “You don’t get what you wish for. You get what you work for.”

Thank you and enjoy your Senior High School journey.

SHS History

In 20I6, the Senior High School Program was offered by the University following the successful transitional model curriculum and K-12 implementation that respectively occurred in 2014 and 2015. The University is recognized by CHED to implement the program of the Department of Education (DepEd) in compliance with the Department of Education’s (DepEd) memo urging Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) to implement K-12.

SHS Overview

The Senior High School Program has two tracks approved by the Department of Education namely (1) Academic and (2) Technical-Vocational-Livelihood. Under the Academic Track there were four strands: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM), and General Academic (GA). There were three (2) strands under Technology-Vocational-Livelihood: Home Economics (HE) and Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

SHS Vision and Mission


The Senior High School in UDM envisions to produce future-oriented, well-rounded, and principled graduates who will demonstrate the qualities of community leaders that we need today. 



The Senior High School students in UDM are prepared for their college and university lives by equipping them with 21st Century skills essential for today’s learners – critical thinking, technological competence, and communication skills.

SHS Core Values

S – Sincere Commitment to Holistic Excellence

H – Honest Conduct of Academic Responsibilities

S – Selfless Service to the Community, the Country, and the World

The SHS Logo

Figure 1: UDM-SHS Logo

The above logo represents the senior high school department.  

Meaning and Description:

  • The Universidad de Manila (UDM) has been represented by a Golden Sea Lion as part of its image, concept, and identification.
  • The torch that the Golden Sea Lion holds serves as the light that represents knowledge and wisdom, and is seen to illuminate the dark world through learning, scholarship, teaching, invention, observation, and study.
  • The laurel leaves stand for knowledge and learning. 
  • The books represent the General Academic Strand (GAS). This is designed for students who have various interests and want to keep their options open. 
  • The computer represents the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Strand. It provides students with advanced skills in computer systems, programming, web page creation, and basic animation.
  • The statistics represent the Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) Strand. Students who aspire to work in the corporate world are likely to enroll in this program. 
  • The house represents the Home Economics (HE) strand. This strand is designed to help students develop skills in home-based livelihood projects.
  • The scientific figure represents the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand. It introduces students to the fundamentals of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
  • The scale of justice represents the Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) strand. This strand is ideal for students who want to learn about culture, politics, and the arts.

The SHS Color

  • The Senior High School in UDM is represented by the color light green symbolizing optimism in its students and faculty, renewal in its teaching methods aligned with Industry 4.0, and perpetual abundance of knowledge for today’s learners. 

Competitive Advantage

  • We pride ourselves with skilled and upright faculty to ensure the balanced upbringing of our students.
  • We bring in camaraderie to our academic and extracurricular realm.
  • Our students get first-hand experience of their college and/or University life situated inside the Universidad de Manila.

Strands Description

The General Academic Strand (GAS) strand caters students who are not yet sure of what course or degree they want to take in college. This strand was designed so that indecisive learners can proceed with any college program.

The Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand equips the students with a wide range of discipline with the use of their experiences and skills into the investigation and inquiry of human situations by studying its behavior and social changes using empirical, analytical, and critical method techniques.

This Science, Technology, Economics, and Mathematics (STEM) strand provides preparation for students in using science, math, engineering, and technology to solve real-life problems and advance national development.

This Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) strand focuses on the basic concepts of financial management, business management, corporate operations, and all things that are accounted for. 

The Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) strand prepares you for a career in Information and Communication Technology. It equips you with advanced skills in computer systems, programming, creating web pages, and basic animation.

The Home Economics (HE) strand offers various specializations that can lead to livelihood projects at home. This strand aims to give you job-ready skills that can help you in finding the right employment.


To view the UDM SHS Student Manual, please click this link: UDM SHS Student Manual

Universidad De Manila is one of the two locally funded higher-education institutions of Manila offering free college education to the city’s under-privileged students.